The Power of The Squat

The Power of The Squat

The Squat is an exercise that could possibly be the best workout you can give your body especially in strength training. Squatting is a workout for your lower body but it doesn’t just benefit that area, it benefits your knee health, hips, and back. Some people are scared to do this workout for fear of injury to their knees or legs, but contrary to that thought process the squat does wonders for these areas of your body by reinforcing the muscle group in the affected areas. Dr. Bryan Christensen said this about squats “For lower-body strength & flexibility, there is no better exercise.” This workout helps maintain the flexibility, stability, and function of the hips, knees, and ankles. The best part about this workout is you don’t need a gym or a special designated area to do this workout!

Squats can be done anywhere anytime! Squatting is the key to aging well as when you clean the house or plant a vegetable in the garden you’ll need to squat. Same goes for getting in and out of chairs, and going down to eye level with a toddler. In essence squats are one of the most primal and fundamental exercises you can do for your body, and it is one of the best ones for you and your body as you continue to age.

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